Paul do Boquilobo Biosphere Reserve

The Biosphere Reserve...
By definition, a Biosphere Reserve is a terrestrial or coastal ecosystem where ways of reconciling the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use are sought.
In 1970, UNESCO launched the "Man and Biosphere Program", with the objective of organizing a network of protected areas, designated Biosphere Reserves, which represent the different ecosystems of the globe and whose proposing countries are responsible for maintaining and developing them.
The Paul do Boquilobo Nature Reserve has been classified by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve since 1981 and was the first Portuguese area to integrate the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, being recognized as a representative sample of a swamp ecosystem of high conservation value. and biodiversity.
The main functions of the Biosphere Reserve are:
Conservation in order to contribute to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic variability;
Development in order to contribute to economic, socio-cultural and ecological sustainability;
Knowledge in order to direct the reserve towards research, monitoring, education and information exchange related to local, national and global conservation and development issues.
In reality, the RBPB incorporates a development paradigm in the region, which is based on a perspective of conservation and enhancement of nature and natural resources, in an economy based on natural capital and on the incorporation of its value of environmental, social and economic sustainability.
RBPB is one of the most qualified, attractive and productive territories in the region, combining:
Relevant cultural and leisure events, and high number of visitors, thus providing a model of sustainable development, appreciated quality of life, consistent governance and social cohesion, on the way to the knowledge society.
Fixing new residents and talents;
Agricultural and forestry activities with a high degree of innovation, technology and knowledge;
Qualified human, scientific and organizational resources;
Excellence of its diverse natural and heritage systems, landscapes and cultures associated with internationally relevant biodiversity.