Paul do Boquilobo Biosphere Reserve

Environmental Awareness

Good Practices for Agricultural Biodiversity
Biodiversity consists of the variety of life forms and the processes that link them, including all living organisms, the genetic differences between them, and the communities and ecosystems in which they occur. Biodiversity provides us with food, clean water, clean air, shelter and medicine, mitigates natural disasters, pests and diseases and contributes to climate regulation, these are called “ecosystem services”. Thus, the deterioration and loss of biodiversity compromise the provision of various ecosystem services and the production of environmental public goods that support our economy and promote well-being and security.
It is important for the farmer to maintain a set of good agricultural and forestry practices, avoiding pollution or deterioration of habitats, contributing to the maintenance and even recovery of biodiversity and ecosystem services dependent on these productive systems.
Many of the farms included in the Biosphere Reserve are already developing actions that enhance the increase in biodiversity.

Management and Monitoring of Water Resources for Irrigation
Water resources are increasingly becoming a critical environmental factor to take into account, not only because of their scarcity but also because of their quality.
Since the Biosphere Reserve is inserted in a humid zone with a strong presence of intensive agricultural activity, the management and monitoring of water resources is of vital importance, namely in terms of its use in terms of irrigation.
With the new Agro-environmental measures associated with the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), but also with an increase in the concern of agricultural entrepreneurs for the scarce resource that is water, most farms in the region, namely those within the perimeter of the Biosphere Reserve, develop actions to monitor and evaluate the irrigation systems they have, in order to increase their uniformity and irrigation efficiency.
AGROMAIS provides monitoring, evaluation, inspection of irrigation systems and advice to irrigators/farmers, currently providing this service to most farmers in the reserve's intervention area.

School Awareness Actions
The environmental issue and all its surroundings require the attention and concern of all populations included in the Biosphere Reserve. In this sense, the awareness of the populations starts right from the youngest, with the school having a decisive role in this function.
Thus, it is the objective of the Biosphere Reserve to promote sensitivity and environmental and conservation awareness among young people and, in this sense, to articulate the institutions that make it up with schools in the region to develop different activities for their students.
The actions that are developed together with the schools are diverse, including
actions clarification at the schools themselves, promotion of contests and pastimes related to the Biosphere Reserve (as was the case with the reserve's logo), visits to the reserve to observe the fauna and flora and involvement in environmental and conservation activities such as bird ringing.

Code of Good Visitation Practices
The Protected Areas are privileged places for entertainment and leisure activities. However, it is important for visitors to realize that the Biosphere Reserve is a place for the preservation of nature and its entire surroundings, with a set of basic rules that must be followed by those who visit it in order not to disturb it. and so that you can fully enjoy the spaces, ecosystems, fauna and flora.
Thus, there is a set ofvisitation ruleswhich must be complied with and which may vary depending on thechosen means of visitation🇧🇷